Ms. G Timeline of  Events

A long journey! Find out how the Ms. G Bill H.2864 became a law.
Groundhog Day 2008

Ms. G posts first Groundhog Day forecast at Mass Audubon's Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln.

Meteorologist Mish Michaels supports local forecaster Ms. G
Meteorologist Mish Michaels supports local forecaster Ms. G

The weather pair featured in Boston Magazine in January 2009.

Preschool Students Celebrate Groundhog Day 2010
Preschool Students Celebrate Groundhog Day 2010

Students celebrate with Ms. G and sign a petition to begin her bid for Massachusetts State Groundhog.

Groundhog Day 2010
Groundhog Day 2010

Ms. G sees her shadow. Six more weeks of winter!

Groundhog Day 2012
Groundhog Day 2012

Ms. G delivers her 5th annual forecast on Groundhog Day at Mass Audubon's Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary. She calls for an early spring after seeing no shadow.

Groundhog Day 2012 Master of Ceremonies
Groundhog Day 2012 Master of Ceremonies

Ms. G Campaign President, Meteorologist Mish Michaels, is master of ceremonies at the annual Groundhog Day forecast.

Meeting with Representative Alice Peisch
Meeting with Representative Alice Peisch

Meteorologist Mish Michaels meets with Wellesley Representative Alice Peisch to discuss merits of a Ms. G Bill to make her "Official State Groundhog."

Kindergarten Students Meet Ms. G
Kindergarten Students Meet Ms. G

Meteorologist Mish Michaels and her kindergarten daughter, Nalina Ashlee, take classmates from Hunnewell Elementary School in Wellesley to meet Ms. G at Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln.

Students Tour the State House
Students Tour the State House

During their State House tour, students from Hunnewell Elementary School in Wellesley visit the House of Representatives to learn about the legislative process from Wellesley Representative Alice Peisch. The students plan to launch a campaign to make Ms. G State Groundhog.

State House Tour
State House Tour

Tour Guide Cathryn Brower continues the State House tour. Here she is showing the students the Senate Reception Room.

Wellesley Representative Alice Peisch Files Ms. G Bill in the House of Representatives
Wellesley Representative Alice Peisch Files Ms. G Bill in the House of Representatives

Excitement builds at Hunnewell Elementary School in Wellesley and at Ms. G’s home at Mass Audubon's Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln. Ms. G's Campaign Committee, headed by Meteorologist Mish Michaels, swings into action.

House Bill 2864 (Ms. G Bill)
House Bill 2864 (Ms. G Bill)

Just five days later, the Ms. G Bill was sent to the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight for the first reading, launching the Ms. G Bill on its way through the House of Representatives.

Ms. G Visits Kindergarten Students
Ms. G Visits Kindergarten Students

Ms. G visits Ms. McFarlane’s kindergarten class at Hunnewell Elementary School to thank her campaign team and to teach the students about her life as one of the true hibernators in New England. Despite Ms. G’s growing fame, she still makes time for classroom visits as a wildlife ambassador for

Ms. G Has Her Own Cookie
Ms. G Has Her Own Cookie

The Ms. G Campaign Team launches the Ms. G cookie at a campaign rally!

Wellesley Representative Alice Peisch Meets with Hunnewell Students
Wellesley Representative Alice Peisch Meets with Hunnewell Students

Hunnewell Elementary students gather at Ms. G Campaign Headquarters for a rally. Students make Groundhog Day crafts, prepare testimony for the upcoming Ms. G hearing, and meet with Wellesley Representative Alice Peisch, author and sponsor of Ms. G Bill H.2864—"An Act to Encourage the Study of Meteorology in Elementary Schools.”

Hearing on the Ms. G Bill at Wellesley Public Library
Hearing on the Ms. G Bill at Wellesley Public Library

The Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight hosts a one-time special off-site hearing on the Ms. G Bill at Wellesley Public Library. The hearing is chaired by Representative Peter Kocut and is the First Reading of the Ms. G Bill in the House of Representatives.

Hunnewell Students Testify at the Ms. G Hearing

Hunnewell Elementary students present their hand-written testimony at the Ms. G hearing at the Wellesley Public Library. The students have studied persuasive writing in school and use these skills to try to convince legislators that Ms. G should become State Groundhog.

Ms. G Bill Sent to the Steering, Policy & Scheduling Commitee
Ms. G Bill Sent to the Steering, Policy & Scheduling Commitee

After passing the First Reading the Ms. G Bill was sent to the Second Reading.

Ms. G Bill Passed by Steering, Policy & Scheduling Commitee
Ms. G Bill Passed by Steering, Policy & Scheduling Commitee

Having passed the Second Reading, the Ms. G Bill is sent to Third Reading in the House of Representatives.

Groundhog Day 2014
Groundhog Day 2014

Ms. G sees her shadow and forecasts six more weeks of winter. A huge crowd of almost 2,000 people cheer for the good news and set a record attendance!

Just Hours After Groundhog Day...
Just Hours After Groundhog Day...

Meteorologist Mish Michaels gives birth to her second daughter in the early morning hours of February 3rd.

Ms. G Bill Passed the Third Reading in the House of Representatives
Ms. G Bill Passed the Third Reading in the House of Representatives

Ms. G Bill sent onto the Senate for debate.

Ms. G Bill Sent to the Senate
Ms. G Bill Sent to the Senate

Ms. G Bill forwarded to the Committee on Ethics and Rules.

Hunnewell Students Invited to the State Senate Chamber!
Hunnewell Students Invited to the State Senate Chamber!

Hunnewell Elementary students are extended a special invitation by Senate President Therese Murray to witness Senate debate and vote on the Ms. G Bill in the Senate Chamber. Students carry campaign posters and wear Ms. G buttons to show their continued support of Ms. G’s run for office.

Senate Debates and Passes Ms. G Bill
Senate Debates and Passes Ms. G Bill

The Ms. G Bill is overwhelmingly passed by the Senate. Several Hunnewell Elementary students who assisted with the multi-year campaign witness this historic vote. Upon passage of the Ms. G Bill, students are treated to a standing ovation and many "high fives" from Senators.


After the celebration on the Senate Floor, Ms. G Campaign leaders gather on the steps of the State House to proudly display the Hunnewell Elementary school flag.

Final House and Senate Votes Approve Ms. G Bill
Final House and Senate Votes Approve Ms. G Bill

On July 21, 2014, the Ms. G Bill is sent back to the House and Senate for final votes. After successful final votes in both the House and Senate, the Ms. G Bill is sent to the Governor's office for signature.

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Signs Ms. G Bill
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Signs Ms. G Bill

Congratulations to Ms. G! On the very last day of the legislative session, Governor Deval Patrick signs the Ms. G Bill H.2864. After a 90-day waiting period, Ms. G will formally become the “Official Groundhog of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.” The language of the new Ms. G law seeks to

Ms. G Bill Officially Becomes a Law!
Ms. G Bill Officially Becomes a Law!

After years of campaigning, the Ms. G Team, led by students from Hunnewell Elementary School in Wellesley and Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln, celebrate making history! The Ms. G Bill finally becomes a law on this 90th day after signature by Governor Patrick.

General Laws
General Laws


Groundhog Day 2015
Groundhog Day 2015

Ms. G’s forecast is snowed out for the first time by a Groundhog Day Snowstorm! Her public forecast is canceled. Instead Ms. G does her annual forecast for her naturalist handler. She does not see her shadow and calls for an early spring. Her forecast is controversial in the midst

Meteorologist Mish Michaels Releases Children’s Book
Meteorologist Mish Michaels Releases Children’s Book

In the midst of an historic stretch of snowstorms and countless new snowfall records, children’s author and long time TV weather forecaster, Meteorologist Mish Michaels along with watercolorist Kathie Jameson (who was married on Groundhog Day 40+ years ago), release an illustrated children’s book about Ms. G. The story captures

Ms. G’s Shadowy Road to Fame
Ms. G’s Shadowy Road to Fame

The 64-page, full color chapter book is built around many historic New England storms and includes factual inserts about weather, groundhogs, and the legislative process. The storyline captures the power of following your passion and connecting with someone who truly believes in you. Michaels dedicates the book to her long

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