
Ms. G in the press
Meteorologist Mish Michaels and Ms. G pose for a photo for Boston Magazine.
Ms. G is so famous, she has her own cookie!
Scholastic News Weekly Reader
features Ms. G and her Hunnewell campaign supporters.

Recent News featuring Ms. G

Massachusetts groundhog Ms. G makes winter prediction during annual event

Massachusetts groundhog Ms. G has some bad news for people hoping the New England winter will be coming to an end sooner rather than later.
- CBS News, February 2025

Did Massachusetts' groundhog see its shadow? Here's what she predicted

While much of the Groundhog Day attention falls to Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil, groundhog predictions also happened right here in Massachusetts.
- Wicked Local, February 2025

Here’s what Massachusetts’ state groundhog Ms. G predicted on Groundhog Day 2025

The official Massachusetts groundhog Ms. G. She got some help from local kids in making her 2024 Groundhog Day prediction.
- Mass Live, February 2025

Mass. groundhog Ms. G makes forecast despite hormone-related condition

The Bay State’s official groundhog needed a bit of help this year making her Groundhog Day prediction.
- Mass Live, February 2024

Ms. G, Massachusetts' official groundhog, makes her annual winter forecast on Feb. 2

When it comes to Groundhog Day, Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil has a local rival when it comes to predicting whether there will be six more weeks of winter.
- Wicked Local, February 2024

Mass. state groundhog Ms. G enjoys a low-stress Groundhog Day, predicts early spring 

Ms. G has been experiencing a little hair loss, so Mass Audubon officials scaled back the her traditional duties Friday and kept her out of the cold.
- The Boston Globe, February 2024

Watch Massachusetts groundhog Ms. G make her annual prediction -

Update: Ms. G offered a convincing rebuttal to Punxsutawney Phil.
-, February 2023

WATCH LIVE: Ms. G, the Bay State's Groundhog, to Predict When Winter Will End in Mass.

The official groundhog of Massachusetts, Ms. G, made her prediction about how much winter is left in the Bay State Thursday, in recognition of the Groundhog Day tradition.
- NECN, February 2023

Defying Punxsutawney Phil, Mass. groundhog Ms. G predicts early spring

Groundhog Day is here, and with it comes a host of predictions from Pennsylvania’s Punxsutawney Phil to Massachusetts’ own official state groundhog, Ms. G.
-, February 2023

Pa. groundhog says six more weeks of winter. In Mass., Ms. G disagrees

A furry critter in a western Pennsylvania town has predicted six more weeks of winter during an annual Groundhog Day celebration, but Massachusetts’ official groundhog, Ms. G., disagreed with his prediction.
- The Boston Globe, February 2023

Ms. G, the Bay State's Groundhog, Predicts an Early Spring in Massachusetts

The official groundhog of Massachusetts, Ms. G, made her prediction about how much winter is left in the Bay State Thursday, in recognition of the Groundhog Day tradition.
- NBC Boston, February 2023

Massachusetts’ Official Groundhog ‘Ms. G’ Does Not See Shadow, Predicts Early Spring

Turns out Punxsutawney Phil may not have the last word on whether we'll endure six more weeks of winter this year.
- CBS Boston, February 2022

Mass. state groundhog Ms. G. predicts early spring, unlike Punxsutawney Phil - The Boston Globe

Massachusetts’ official state groundhog, Ms. G., predicted an early spring Wednesday morning, opposing Punxsutawney Phil who predicted six more weeks of winter at the 136th annual Groundhog Day celebration.
- The Boston Globe, February 2022

Who needs Phil? Here’s how to watch the official Mass. groundhog make her winter prediction.

So Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, meaning we’re getting six more weeks of winter. This is why we hate Punxsutawney Phil.
-, February 2022

Massachusetts State Groundhog Ms. G disagrees with Punxsutawney Phil, says spring has come

Massachusetts State Groundhog Ms. G predicted that spring has arrived, diverging from the forecast made hours earlier by Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania of an extended winter.
- Mass Live, February 2022

Is Phil wrong? Ms. G thinks so!

Turns out Punxsutawney Phil may not have the last word on whether we'll endure six more weeks of winter this year.
- Boston Globe, February 2021

Massachusetts Groundhog Ms. G Ready To Forecast Again

Will there be six more weeks of winter or an early spring?
- CBSN Boston, February 2020

6 more weeks of winter, Massachusetts’ official groundhog says

Stay warm, Massachusetts -- we're in for six more weeks of winter.
- Boston Globe, February 2019

Massachusetts’ Groundhog Predicts a Longer Winter

Don’t pack up down jackets or wool sweaters just yet, because Massachusetts should anticipate an additional six weeks of winter this year.
- Daily Free Press, February 2019

Massachusetts’ Own Ms. G Predicts Six More Weeks of Winter

Forget Punxsutawney Phil. Massachusetts has its own furry mascot to forecast the end of winter.
- Boston Globe, January 2018

MA Groundhog Sees Shadow

While most of the nation watches Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania on Groundhog Day, the eyes of Massachusetts turn to Lincoln.
- NECN, January 2018

Hunnewell Elementary Attend Ms. G’s 2017 Annual Forecast

Forget Punxsutawney Phil. Massachusetts has its own furry mascot to forecast the end of winter.
- MAStateGroundhog, February 2017
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